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South Malling CE Primary

How can you help?

It doesn't matter who you are or what your background, your financial position or your skills set is, we need your help!


We need volunteers to allow our  events to happen.  Some things can be done in the comfort of your own home, some things can't.  Every little helps!

If you can help, please let us know.


If you have any idea for future Friends events or potential sources of funding, please get in touch with us or speak to your Class Rep.

Donate money

Donating to us has never been easier:

  • You can now make a single or a monthly donation to us via GiveasyouLive by clicking on the button below;

Donate now

* if you are a taxpayer please contact us as well so that you can gift aid it.

Does your employer offer Match Funding?

If you work for an organisation that has a match funding policy, any money you raise could be matched by your employer. Companies may match the fundraising total for an event, or for the stall that their employee is working on. Usually, the employee will need to supply them with a letter from the Friends detailing the date and nature of the event, together with the total raised.

We understand that the high street banks, building societies, supermarkets and large corporations are likely to do match funding, but these schemes are not exclusive to the major corporate giants. If you work for an independent company, they may be interested in charitable giving through match funding too.

We would be grateful if you could see if your employer has a match-funding scheme, or if they are willing to match fund any of our events.


Our next Uniform sale will take place in September.


We run a preloved uniform shop during term time - keep an eye on class dojo, on the school facebook page or contact Amy on 07812 346112.


Recycle, save money and donate to the school all at the same time!

If you have any preloved uniform, Christmas jumpers or book day costumes to donate, please drop it in to the school.  We particularly need KS2 purple stuff.

Donate your time

We always welcome helpers - new and old.  It doesn't matter how many grand/children you have, how old you are or what your background is. We're all volunteers and we all juggle our roles with our families and jobs.  If you are willing to get involved, you will have something to offer. You might be a wonder at wrapping, super at shopping, brilliant at baking, have tonnes of time or endless enthusiasm. Or simply willing.   

Please email us or complete the google form to let us know what you can do.

The following roles are available and we particularly need people who will take responsibility for getting things done.

Vacancy: Secretary

The secretary ensures that the PTAs activities run smoothly. They use their excellent communication and organisational skills to arrange meetings, take minutes and keep records.  The secretary communicates with the school and committee members and manages communication between the committee, volunteers, school and school community.  They also keep records and share information.

Vacancy: Vice-chair or Deputy

The Vice chair role is what you make of it.  They are there to help the Chair - practically and as moral support - and to step forwards when she isn't available.  You need to be willing to help and a team player.

Assistant Treasurer

The assistant treasurer works closely with the treasurer, and is  responsible for card readers and associated apps, removing excess cash from floats to a safe place during events and guarding money. They may also assist in making sure funds are processed efficiently.

Vacancy: Christmas Card co-ordinator

For the co-ordinator, Christmas starts in September.  The co-ordinator liaises with the teachers so that the children's designs are dispatched to the printers in time for the cards to come back to us for Christmas.  This is very much a stand-alone role.  You need to be organised!

Vacancy: Communications Agent

The Comms agent is there to organise our publicity - to help the team promote events, to maintain notice boards and to spread enthusiasm!  You need to be friendly, creative and good at writing.  IT skills definitely help!

Vacancy: Events director(s)

Events directors oversee a particular event such as the Summer Fair, Christmas hampers, Discos or Halloween Trail.  Their job is to lead a team who understand the requirements of the Friends and of the school so that the event is both enjoyable and profitable.  Ideally you need to be reliable, organised and enthusiastic.

Vacancy: Shed manager

The shed master is responsible for making sure the shed is well maintained and that we know what is in there and where it is!   You need to be organised and not afraid of spiders!  A magical ability to create additional space out of nowhere would be a bonus.

Vacancy: Shopper

Many of our events require the sourcing of 'plastic tat' or their eco-equivalent - for prizes or gifts - that are suitable, affordable and can be sold at a profit, however small.  You need to be good at sniffing out bargains and able to manage cash flow (you generally need to buy and claim back).

One-off roles

Bar staff: to sell drinks at events.

Waiters/waitresses: to sell food at events.

Ice cream sellers: to sell ices in the summer

Roadies: to do the heavy lifting - putting up marquees, shifting boxes etc.

Bakers: To bake (or buy) good cakes.

Make up maestros: artistic types who can administer face paints.

Stall holders: Smiley people to run stalls at events.

Skill sharers: Offer up your skills or supplies - however random - to be called upon.  This might be designing posters, creating crafts, carving pumpkins, providing lights or acting as DJ.

First Aiders: You need to have a relevant first aid certificate.  We hope we never need you but its nice to know you're there.

Fundraisers: We  have a team who identify and apply for community Grants.  They are very much 'behind the scenes' but have probably raised more money than the rest of us put together!

Helpers: We often need people to fold and staple pamphlets and raffle tickets or to distribution flyers, wrap presents, put hampers together and many other things - tell us your talents!

Shop online

Do you shop online?  If so, you could be raising essential funds for the Friends of South Malling School. And it won't cost you a penny!

Give as you Live

With Give As You Live, every time you buy from 4000+ selected online retailers, they'll make a donation to the Friends at no extra cost to you! It literally takes a minute to set up and then every time you go to shop online - whether its Amazon, Ebay, Argos, New Look, John Lewis etc - you just logon on to this website https://giveasyoulive.com/ and find the online retailer you want.  

Sign up is free. Find the Friends of South Malling School from the drop down list of charities and then find your store.


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 Happy shopping!