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South Malling CE Primary

South Malling CofE Primary and Nursery full governing body.

The board operates under the Circle model of governance, with link governors for different areas, rather than committees.

Mrs Mandi Ramshaw
Chair of Governors and Pupil premium and Special Educational Needs Link
Co-opted Governor: March 2024 - March 2028

Ms Liz Kaye
Deputy Chair of Governors and Safeguarding Link
Foundation Governor: Sept 2021 - Aug 2025

Mrs Judy Yeomans
Learning Group and Safeguarding Link
Foundation Governor: Sept 2022 - Aug 2026

Mr Tim Telford
Ex-officio Foundation Governor:  Nov 2023 - Nov 2027

Mr Peter Hughes
Finance Group
Co-opted Governor: May 2020 - May 2024

Mr Chris Barrett Allen
Co-opted Governor: May 2024 - May 2028.

Mr Tom Chappell
Parent Governor: May 2024 - May 2028

Mrs Alison Hunter
Parent Governor: May 2024 - May 2028

Mrs Ali Wicks
LA Governor: Jan 2024 - Jan 2028

Mrs Charlotte Roberts
Head Teacher

Ms Annie Schulte
Deputy Head Teacher
Staff Governor: Sept 2020 - Aug 2024

Miss Denise Kong


 Minutes of Governing Body Meetings (2023-24)



Minutes of Governing Body Meetings (2022-23)

 Minutes of Governing Body Meetings (2021-22)


 Minutes of Governing Body Meetings (2020-21)


 Minutes of Governing Body Meetings (2019-20)

Register of Governors Interests and attendance

register of interests 2023 24.pdf


reg 2024 25 1 .pdf



Liz Kaye - Deputy Chair of Governors

I am a Foundation Governor, appointed during the Summer of 2013. My recent background is in tertiary education, having worked for more than 15 years in the management team of the Brighton and Sussex Medical School and since November 2022 working as a Senior Education Manager for the University of Sussex.

My husband and I have been living in Malling since 2004 and we have one daughter who left South Malling School in July 2021. I am a member of TRINITY Church, Cliffe Bonfire Society, LOS Musical Theatre and St Mary's Pantomime (for whom I was choreographer, working with many local youngsters, from 2004 - 2011).

During my tenure so far I have been lead governor for Learning and then Chair for two years. I am currently Deputy Chair. I am passionate about education and about giving all our kids the best possible opportunities to fulfil their potential, both within the school curriculum and via wider extra-curricular activities.  I represent South Malling as the school's Trustee for the Lewes Co-operative Learning Partnership.

Mandi Ramshaw - Chair of Governors

I was first appointed as a Parent Governor in July 2016 and was re-coopted in March 2024. I am the mother of two girls, one who left the school in July 2021 and one in Year 4.

Currently, I am self-employed, working as an editor and writer. Previously, I worked as a training associate for an international public health charity in Washington, DC. My role included designing training courses and developing training materials. I was also responsible for organising training workshops and conferences. I have a Masters’ Degree in International Training and Education from American University and a Bachelor’s Degree in International Studies from Middlebury College.

I have always been passionate about education. I want to dedicate my free time to working for the school. It has become such an important part of my life since my older daughter started there. I look forward to bringing my skills and passion to the position as governor and helping the school in any way possible.

Between 2016 and the Summer of 2019 I was also the Chair of the Friends of South Malling. 

Vacant post

Ali Wicks - LA Governor

I am an LA governor, appointed January 2024. I have worked in primary education for the last 30 years as a Director of Music and love being in the company of children. Since December 2023 I have been retired (mostly!) and am just teaching piano one day a week. 

I have lived in Lewes since 1978 - my father was Reverend Bell at St John Sun Castro church - so I know the town well. My husband and I brought up our 3 children in Lewes, and I spent several years on the PTA of our local school, and took singing sessions there.

As an experienced teacher I have worked with many children over the years in various situations - including residential camps - and really appreciate the difference extra curricular opportunities and creative subjects can make to so many children.

I am very excited to be a governor at South Malling, as the school also sees these things as vitally important in developing the whole child. I am passionate about creating opportunities for all children to fulfil their potential and look forward to working with staff and parents to enable children to ‘reach for the stars’.

Tom Chappell - Parent Governor


Judy Yeomans - Foundation Governor

As a Foundation Governor, my appointment is through Chichester Diocese. I am a member of TRINITY church.  For many years I worked in a voluntary capacity, supporting children and families, through Sunday school and pastoral work with the church.

My early training as a speech and language therapist, subsequent work in my children’s primary school, and interest in children’s well-being have led me to pursue a new career in Play Therapy.  I am a freelance trainer and advisor for Godly Play UK, a charity that seeks to transform thinking and practice in the area children’s spirituality and for OutoftheBox, a not-for-profit organisation, aiming to encourage a playful and contemplative approach to story for wisdom, wonder and wellbeing.

My husband, Martin and I have lived in Lewes for more than 25 years and seen my children flourish in Lewes schools. We continue to enjoy the exciting company of children and young people. My greatest pleasure is watching and listening to the discoveries children make for themselves about the world, themselves and each other, and God. 

Peter Hughes - Co-opted Governor

I am a co-opted Governor, having joined the board in June 2019, and am part of the Finance Working Group. I work in finance, currently for the University of Sussex, responsible for their strategic and commercial projects. Prior to working in Higher Education, I worked in a variety of commercial finance roles in the private sector. I am a qualified accountant and project manager but also have a degree in Environmental Sciences.

I am from Sussex originally and moved back to Lewes with my wife in 2004, we currently live in South Malling and have two children at the school. I enjoy running and photography but generally not at the same time. 

Tim Telford - Ex-officio Foundation Governor

I am the ex-officio Foundation governor.

Alison Hunter - Parent Governor

I have lived in Lewes since 2000 and moved to Malling with my husband in 2013. Our daughter is at South Malling School, and we all feel very fortunate to be part of this community.

My background is as a Speech and Language Therapist and I spent 15 years working with children and young people with complex neuro disability and complex communication difficulties. I am passionate about enabling children to reach their communication potential.

I currently work in a variety of roles with children of all ages. I work with families of pre-school children at Lewes Library, Trinity Church and the Lewes and Havens Family Hub based in Malling. I volunteer at South Malling School as a reading partner and in interventions using the skills I gained as a Speech and Language Therapist.

I enjoy reading and walking. I am a founding member of a community gospel choir and I love singing with them each week.