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South Malling CE Primary


The government did not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. The most recently published data is below:

2023 Results


In 2023, our Key Stage Two (Year 6) results were:

  Reading, Writing
& Maths combined
Working at the expected standard 51%
Working at a higher standard 7%

*GPS is grammar, punctuation and spelling

Our average progress scores:

Reading: -1.1

Writing: -2.4

Maths: -4.0

Our average scaled scores (100 is the expected standard):

Reading: 105

Maths: 102

Writing is not scored.

Each year the Department for Education publishes School's Performance Tables. You can search for any school and see a table of its performance, characteristics and spend per pupil data and, for academies, their latest set of financial accounts.